Arch. Federica
Scaffidi PhD
Hi there! I'm Federica. I'm a passionate, tenacious and creative person in love with cultural heritage.
Every time I visit a ruin or a derelict monument I get the Stendhal syndrome!
If you understand what I mean visit my website and contact me! I would be thrilled to have a chat with you!
Ph. Prof. Ezio Micelli
I am an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Urban Design and Planning at the Leibniz University of Hannover. My academic career has been marked by interdisciplinary and international experiences that make me curious about many fields of knowledge.

My research interest is based on both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and to date has addressed the circularity, social innovation, sustainable urban development and regeneration of under-utilised neglected heritage, with a focus on industrial heritage.
Assistant Professor
Leibniz University of Hannover – Hannover, Germany
Circular regeneration of industrial heritage in Europe
Research Fellow
Goria Foundation
Social entrepreneurship and brownfields in Piedmont
Jun - Jul 2017
Guest researcher
Leibniz University of Hannover – Hannover, Germany
Research surveys in industrial sites in Germany
PhD Candidate
University of Palermo – Palermo, Italy
Socially innovative recycling in Italy, Germany and Spain
Research Fellow
Goria Foundation
Participation in industrial heritage enhancement
Sept - Dec 2016
Guest researcher
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Madrid, Spain
Research surveys in industrial sites in Spain
Although my research activities are mainly focused in Europe, I boast a wide network that includes countries such as New Zealand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, the United States and Brazil.

I love teaching! It is really a two-way enrichment, students always teach me something in return.
I teach urban design and the theory of urban regeneration because I believe it helps to open the students' minds to be more original and creative in solving problems. In fact, I like to work on neglected urban spaces and architecture and, find new ways to transform them in a circular and innovative way.
I was a Visiting Professor at the University Iuav of Venezia (2022) and a guest lecturer at many European universities such as the University of Amsterdam (2022) and the University of Thessaly (2020).
Research Methodology
PhD and university researchers, Architecture
Leibniz University of Hannover - Hannover, Germany
Social Innovation & Sustainable Urban Regeneration
Bachelor and Master of Science, Architecture
Visiting Professor, University Iuav, Venice, Italy
Sustainable Urban Development & Design
Bachelor and Master of Science, Architecture
Leibniz University of Hannover - Hannover, Germany
Open topic in Architecture & Urban Space
Bachelor and Master of Science, Architecture
Leibniz University of Hannover - Hannover, Germany
Sustainable Urban Development
Master of Science; Architecture
University of Palermo – Palermo, Italy
Sustainable Regional Planning
Master of Science, Urban Planning
University of Palermo – Palermo, Italy
My teaching activities make use of a metacognitive educational methodology that helps students draw out their knowledge. For this reason, I organise various workshops, debates, flânerie, drawing from life and participant observation to foster critical reflection among bachelor, master and doctoral students.
I believe you never stop learning! There are so many things in which we can be better at. That's why I like having a workspace and friends who challenge me and push me to new activities and courses for personal and professional empowerment.
PhD, Doctor Europaeus
University of Palermo – Palermo, Italy
Architecture, Urban Design and Planning
Master Green Management (Grant recipient)
ISTUD Business School – Stresa, Italy
Social Report, CSR Business Plan, Green Jobs
Master of Science; Architecture
Polytechnic University of Turin – Turin, Italy
110/110 cum laude
Bachelor of Science; Urban Design and Planning
University of Palermo – Turin, Italy
110/110 cum laude
Life is too short to be passionate about just one thing. So, I enjoy playing different sports, learning new languages and trying new hobbies. I am fluent in Italian, English, Spanish and French, and I can manage with German and Portuguese. I can also read Greek and little bit of Arabic!
I love dancing, painting, making jewellery and travelling, but who doesn't do that!? :)
I have recently tried my hands at improf-theatre and I have done volleyball at a high level. I also enjoy creative writing and apart from my notebook, I also have a travel blog where sometimes I like writing some posts. Since childhood, I have always collected minerals, fossils and coins. I have a great collection, so sooner or later I will open my own museum! :)
I believe art and culture together with an entrepreneurial spirit, and a good network can foster a solid and long-term transformation of the many neglected assets we have in Europe and all over the world. As an architect, I am sorry to see the neglect and to know that some abandoned industrial heritages are about to be demolished. That's why I dance to denounce and raise awareness of these issues and imagine what people could do if we think in a circular way.
Skills & Languages

Public speaking
In-depth analysis
Meracognitive Edu
Life is too short to be passionate about just one thing. So, I enjoy playing different sports, learning new languages and trying new hobbies. I am fluent in Italian, English, Spanish and French, and I can manage with German and Portuguese. I can also read Greek and little bit of Arabic!
I love dancing, painting, making jewellery and travelling, but who doesn't do that!? :)
I have recently tried my hands at improf-theatre and I have done volleyball at a high level. I also enjoy creative writing and apart from my notebook, I also have a travel blog where sometimes I like writing some posts. Since childhood, I have always collected minerals, fossils and coins. I have a great collection, so sooner or later I will open my own museum! :)
I believe art and culture together with an entrepreneurial spirit, and a good network can foster a solid and long-term transformation of the many neglected assets we have in Europe and all over the world. As an architect, I am sorry to see the neglect and to know that some abandoned industrial heritages are about to be demolished. That's why I dance to denounce and raise awareness of these issues and imagine what people could do if we think in a circular way.
Skills & Languages

Public speaking
In-depth analysis
Meracognitive Edu
Scaffidi F. (2024) "Average social and territorial innovation impacts of industrial heritage regeneration", Cities, 148, pp. 1-23.
Scaffidi F., Micelli E., Nash M. (2024) "The role of the social entrepreneur for sustainable heritage-led urban regeneration", Cities, 158, 105670.
Scaffidi F. (2022) "Regional Implications of the Circular Economy and Food Greentech Companies", Sustainability, 14, pp. 1-19. DOI: 10.3390/su14159004
Scaffidi F. (2019) “Soft power in recycling spaces: Exploring spatial impacts of regeneration and youth entrepreneurship in Southern Italy", Local Economy, vol. 34(7), pp. 632–656. DOI: 10.3390/su14159004
Scaffidi F. (2019) “The rural villages of Sicani: resources for the development of Sicilian inner areas", Abitare la terra, n. 50, p. 76. ISBN 978-88-492-3823-5
Scaffidi F. (2019) “Re-cycle Italy: un nuovo paradigma per la riattivazione delle aree depotenziate e in disuso”, inFolio, pp. 38 -42. ISSN 1828-2482
Scaffidi F. (2019) “Il ri-ciclo socialmente innovativo del cotonificio Spinnerei di Lipsia come un’opportunità per definire nuovi scenari di sviluppo urbano, inFolio, pp. 58-62. ISSN 1828-2482
Sharkey M., Lopez Franco M., Mottee L.K. Scaffidi F. (2019) “Activist Researchers: Four Cases of Affecting Change. PlaNext – next generation planning”, vol. 8, pp. 10-20. DOI: 10.24306/plnxt/42.
Scaffidi F. (2016) “La rigenerazione del patrimonio produttivo dismesso per la riattivazione delle risorse territoriali. Il caso delle saline di Añana in Euskadi”, inFolio, n. 33, pp. 25-28. ISSN 1828-2482
Scaffidi F. (2016) “Participación ciudadana y valorización del patrimonio. Metodologías de posible aplicación a espacios industriales abandonados”, Abaco, vol. 4(86). ISSN 0213-6252
Schröder J., Cappeller R., Diesch A., Scaffidi F. (2023) Circular Design. Towards Regenerative Territories, Jovis, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-86859-745-5
Scaffidi F. (2024) “Neue, Regenerative Und Zirkuläre Perspektiven Für Karlín Und Holešovice In Prag”. In: Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds.), City Cycles. Mikrotransformation als urbane Strategie des Circular Design. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 10-15. ISBN 978-3-946296-50-8
Scaffidi F. (2024) “Benefits and challenges of the regeneration of underutilised sites through a circular approach”. In: Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds.), Town Centre Pathways. Itinerant Laboratory for Territorial Innovation. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 20-24. ISBN: 978-3-946296-51-5
Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (2024), “Introduction”. In: Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds.), Town Centre Pathways. Itinerant Laboratory for Territorial Innovation. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover
Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (2024), “Introduction”. In: Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds.). In: Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds., 2024), City Cycles. Mikrotransformation als urbane Strategie des Circular Design. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp.117-131. ISBN 978-3-946296-50-8
Scaffidi F. (2023) “Circular Assets for City and Society”. In: Schröder J., Cappeller R., Diesch A., Scaffidi F. (eds.) Circular Design. Towards Regenerative Territories, Berlin: Jovis, pp. 44-53.
Scaffidi F., (2023), “The circular design of Industries for woods innovation”. In: Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds.), The Woods. Connecting innovation in wood industries and cities. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 15-19. ISBN: 978-3-946296-46-1
Scaffidi F., (2023), “Die Häuser. The Houses” In: Schröder J., (eds.) Wechselwikrkungen. Stadtbausteine. Urban Elements, Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 114-109. ISBN: 978-3-946296-47-8
Scaffidi F. & Micelli E. (2022) "Sustainability in urban regeneration: real or propaganda?". In: Morano P., et Al. (eds.) Urban Regeneration Through Valuation Systems for Innovation. Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 75-90. ISBN 978-3-031-12813-4
Scaffidi F. (2022) "Pandemic, fear and social innovation" In: Calabrò et Al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Nature Switzerland. ISSN 2367-3370
Scaffidi F. (2022) "Ecosystems of innovation: socially-innovative practices in brownfields reactivation". In: Perrone C., Giallorenzo F., Rossi M. (eds.) Social and Institutional Innovation in Self-Organising Cities. Firenze University Press, pp. 89-94. ISBN 978-88-5518-536-3
Scaffidi F. (2022) “Sustainable and regenerative design for circular spaces in the Baltic”. In: Schröder J., Cappeller R. (eds.) Baltic Lab. Cities and Territories in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 18-23. ISBN: 978-3-946296-42-3
Scaffidi F. (2021) "Palermo-Hannover: Urban stories from cosmopolitan people". In: Schröder J., Carta M., Scaffidi F., Contato A., eds. (2021) Cosmopolitan Habitat. A research agenda for urban resilience. Berlin, Jovis. pp. 136–141. ISBN 978-3-86859-690-8
Scaffidi F. (2021) "Social Innovation in Productive Assets Redevelopment: Insights from the Urban Development Scene". In: Bevilacqua C., Calabrò F., Della Spina L. (eds.), New Metropolitan Perspectives, Smart Innovation, Springer Nature Switzerland, Systems and Technologies, vol. 178, Cham, pp. 1003-1011. ISBN 978-3-030-48278-7
Scaffidi F. (2021) "The post-pandemic future. Mountains as reserve of resilience". In: Schröder J., Diesch A. (eds.) Mountains, Hannover, Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover, pp. 15–18. Hannover, Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover ISBN 978-3-946296-37-9
Schröder J., Cappeller R., Diesch A., Scaffidi F; Hermanns J. (2021), “Cosmopolitan Habitat: Urban Narratives”. In: Carta M., Contato A., Lino B., Ronsivalle D. (eds.) La città neocosmopolita. Palermo tra luogo e mondo, comunità e flussi, Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 31-50
Scaffidi F. (2020) "Food Cycles: active engagement and new urban communities", In: Schröder J., Sommariva E., Sposito S. (eds.) Creative Food Cycles, pp. 211-221. ISBN 978-3-946296-33-1
Scaffidi F. (2018) “Territorial creativity in peripheral context. Urban and regional effects of the re-cycle of Añana saltworks”. In: Schröder J., Carta M., Ferretti M., Lino B. (eds.) Dynamics of periphery, Jovis, Berlin, pp. 282-289. ISBN 978-3-86859-511-6
Scaffidi F. (2018) “The fluid city. Urban strategies for a contemporary city”. In: Carta M., Catania M., Lino B., Russo D. (eds.) Hong Kong-Palermo Fluid Cities. Palermo: Palermo University Press. ISBN 978-88-99934-90-3
Scaffidi F. (2017) “Il fattore umano nelle strategie di riciclo dei brownfield. La miniera di carbone di Arnao in Spagna”. In: Bocchi R., Fabian L., Munarin S., (eds.) Re-cycle Italy Atlante, Lettera Ventidue Edizioni, Siracusa, pp. 273-274. ISBN 978-88-6242-200-0
Scaffidi F. (2017) “Temporary Solutions for social regeneration of abandoned urban areas”. In: Schröder J., Carta M., Ferretti M., Lino B. (eds.), Favara Futures. Research workshop, start conference. Dynamics of Periphery, Hannover. ISBN 978-3-946296-15-7
Scaffidi F. (2016) The Social Regeneration of Brownfields as activator of peri-urban development: the Añana salt valley in Spain as a good model of brownfield regeneration. In: Schröder J., Carta M., Ferretti M., Lino B. (eds.) Territories, rural-urban strategies, Jovis, Berlin, pp. 178-183. ISBN 978-3-86859-449-2
Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds., 2024), Town Centre Pathways. Itinerant Laboratory for Territorial Innovation. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover. ISBN: 978-3-946296-51-5
Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds., 2024), City Cycles. Mikrotransformation als urbane Strategie des Circular Design. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover. ISBN 978-3-946296-50-8
Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds., 2023), The Woods. Connecting innovation in wood industries and cities. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover. ISBN: 978-3-946296-46-1
Schröder J., Carta M., Scaffidi F., Contato A., (eds., 2021) Cosmopolitan Habitat. A research agenda for urban resilience. Berlin, Jovis. ISBN 978-3-86859-690-8
Schröder J., Scaffidi F., (eds., 2020), Palermo Open City. Cosmopolitan Habitat - Urban Design Studio. Hannover: Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Leibniz Universität Hannover. ISBN: 978-3-946296-32-4
Scaffidi F. (2022, September) “Territorios y bienes circulares. La creatividad y la innovación social como activadores de nuevos ciclos de vida en el patrimonio industrial”. Paper presented at the XXIII International Conference INCUNA, Gijón, 29th September – 2nd October 2022. Gijón: Abaco. ISBN 978-84-124839-7-0
Scaffidi F. (2022, September) “Introduction. Circular Territories”. Paper presented at the XXIII International Conference INCUNA, Gijón, 29th September – 2nd October 2022. Gijón: Abaco. ISBN 978-84-124839-7-0
Scaffidi F. (2022, July) “Culture, productive heritage and spatial development. In Space for Species, Aesop 2022. Paper presented at the Annual Aesop Congress, Tartu, 25th-29th July 2022 (pp. 336 - 340). ISBN 978-9916-4-1319-7
Scaffidi F. (2021, October) "Economía circular, inclusión social y patrimonio industrial". In: Álvarez Areces M. (ed.) Hacia una nueva época para el patrimonio industrial, Editorial CICEES, Gijón, pp. 569-577. ISBN 978-84-123726-6-3
Scaffidi F., Lopez Franco M., Mottee L.K., Sharkey M. (2019, July). “The role of activist researchers in urban and regional planning. Analysing and comparing international case studies of social change. In Planning for Transition (ed.), Aesop 2019. Paper presented at the Annual Aesop Congress, Venezia, 9-13 July 2019 (pp. 1416.1433). Roma: Gangemi Editore International. ISBN 978-88-99243-93-7
Mattone M., Scaffidi F. (2018, October). Recupero e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Industriale Dismesso: Il caso dell’amiantifera di Balangero (Torino, Piemonte). In Minutoli F. (ed.), Reuso 2018. Paper presented at the VI International Conference ReUSO, Messina, 11-13 October 2018 (pp. 1789-1800). Roma: Gangemi Editore International. ISBN 978-88-492-3659-0
Scaffidi F. (2018, May). Creative heritage for social innovation. In Schröder J., Carta M., Hartmann S. (eds.), Creative Heritage. Paper presented at the International Conference Creative Heritage, Hannover, 11-13 October 2017 (pp. 84-85). Berlin: Jovis. ISBN 978-3-86859-532-1
Mattone M., Scaffidi F. (2017, March). Il patrimonio produttivo della Val Chisone, una risorsa per lo sviluppo territoriale. L’ex cotonificio Wiedemann di San Germano Chisone. Paper presented at the XVIII International Conference INCUNA, Gijón, 5-8 September 2016. Gijón: Abaco.
Scaffidi F. (2017, October). Interventi di rilevanza nazionale: come favorire il débat public senza cadere nella partecipazione simbolica? Verso una circolarità delle risorse. In Gausa M., Andriani C., Fagnoni R. (eds.), 3 Resili(g)ence. Paper presented at the International Conference 3 Resili(g)ence, Genova, 25-28 October 2017, (pp. 284-289). Barcelona: Papersdoc. ISBN 978-84-941264-6-8
Scaffidi F. (2017, December), “Linee guida per l’elaborazione di un modello flessibile di ri-ciclo socialmente inclusivo di risorse locali in disuso. Il caso di Ex Fadda di San Vito dei Normanni”, Paper presented at the XX National Conference SIU, Urbanistica è azione pubblica, Roma, 12-14 June 2017, (pp. 1251-1256). Roma-Milano: Planum Publisher. ISBN 9788899237127
Scaffidi F. (2017, March). Rigenerazione di aree produttive dismesse nel territorio della Val Chisone in Piemonte. L’ex setificio Gütermann di Perosa Argentina. Paper presented at the XIX National Conference SIU, Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica al servizio del paese, Catania, 16-18 June 2016, Roma-Milano: Planum Publisher. ISBN 9788899237080